Even under the open sky in the southern regions of Ukraine, you can successfully grow shrimp. It will have a hatchery for fry, a farm, a laboratory for research and a school, said the founder of Vismar Aqua, Lubomir Gaydamaka.
The entrepreneur is going to not only grow shrimp on his own, but also to train people in this art, providing them with fry. Such a business will be especially successful for those who have the ability to access sea water to draw water for their household.
Now in Ukraine no one is engaged in the cultivation of shrimp. This is a relatively new technology for the country. But at this stage, enough information has already been collected to begin the intensive development of the industry, said Lyubomir Gaydamaka.The specialist says that today shrimp fry should be ordered from Thailand, the Philippines or South Korea. 100 thousand individuals of fry come to Ukraine in 100 liters of water, but they do not pull by weight for 100 g.
After receiving the fry, they are adapted for 1-2 days to less salty water, feeding artemia larvae and artificial food. Within a month, the fry grow to 3-4 cm in length and weights of 0.5-1 g. Later, the fry are released into large containers, where they grow to 22-25 g of weight.In the Kiev region, the cost of growing shrimp is 300 UAH / kg. 15-20% of these funds are costs for the purchase of fry. It is advisable to sell adult shrimp at least 700-800 UAH / kg. This is a large, not frozen, organic shrimp. In European countries, such products cost up to € 50, sums Gaydamak.