Symptoms of Brown Tomato Brown Root Virus (ToBRFV) were first detected in a tomato culture in the UK.
Laboratory-confirmed outbreaks have been reported to the Plant and Seed Health Inspectorate (PHSI). The affected greenhouse took the necessary steps to destroy the virus and destroyed the crop.
ToBRFV has caused significant problems for tomato growers throughout Europe and beyond.
Dr Nikki Harrison, AHDB Senior Researcher and ToBRFV Steering Group Coordinator, said: “We encourage industry to review their production protocols, especially regarding seed and plant imports and plant hygiene. Manufacturers must be alert, monitor their symptoms, and act quickly if they suspect an infection. ”
Likely routes of infection with this disease are through seeds, breeding material, or contact through contaminated tools, hands, and clothing. Tomato is the main host of the virus, but tests have shown that it can also infect bell peppers.
By monitoring the spread of ToBRFV in European cultures, UK scientists warned the industry about the potential exposure of the virus in March and urged manufacturers to monitor their symptoms.
Common symptoms include:
- mosaic coloring of leaves,
- discoloration of fruits with yellow spots,
- deformation of the fruit.