On the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, active scientific and production work is underway to improve the genetic qualities of the goose population of the region.
It is known that the project is being implemented at the federal level as part of a program for the selection of new competitive species of waterfowl. The main role in the process is played by employees of the specialized research center "Bashkir bird."
It should be noted that Bashkir domestic waterfowls differ in their weight from their counterparts from other regions. Gray and white geese of hybrid breeds bred by Bashkir specialists may at the time of slaughter exceed ten kilograms in weight, subject to grazing form.
It will not be superfluous to add that today the indicated research center has a truly unique livestock. The gene pool of the "Bashkir bird" has at least twelve thousand geese of pure breed, bred as a result of work with individuals from the best breeders from around the world, including domestic ones.
It is noteworthy that the Bashkir geese differ from many of their other relatives from the rest of the Russian Federation by their increased ability to lay eggs and can produce about forty (and in some cases, depending on the breed, up to sixty) eggs.
It is impossible not to note the productivity of geese in matters of hatching, as well as the survival and endurance of chicks in conditions of relatively low maintenance costs.